Switch Output: SPST Selectable NO or NC states Factory calibration ensures accuracy over a wide range of liquids, including lubricating oils and hydraulic fluids. The tuning fork sensor is often used in conditions where there may be frequent composition changes in the liquid. Using the principle of a tuning fork, a piezo-electric crystal oscillates the forks at their natural frequency.

When the tuning fork is submerged in the product, the frequency changes. The Rosemount 2160 is the world’s first WirelessHART level detector using Emerson's vibrating fork technology. The switch vibrates at a resonant frequency.
#Tuning fork level switch series
The LTU-2000 Series is based on the vibrating tuning fork principle, using piezoelectric crystals. They perform in extreme conditions and benefit many industries. Siemens vibrating level switches detect high, low, and demand levels for liquids and solids.
As the tuning fork is progressively covered by a liquid, a shift in frequency occurs which activates the relay output. The LTU-2000 Series Tuning Fork Sensors are point level switches that are designed to detect low or high levels of liquids. Vibrating level switch - SITRANS LVS and LVL Adaptive, efficient, and essential. The LTU-101A-R consists of a sensor with dual tuning forks which are vibrated at a high frequency.