It’s probably going to be a keeper for me, but can’t replace Nisus. I’d already cast my wandering eye to Mellel, though. Auto spell check in MacOS 10.14.3 has a known failure mode, and Nisus crash logs indicated I triggered it both times. It turned out to be a MacOS issue, but Nisus crashed on me, twice. My formative years were long before computers fit on desktops, but sound moral foundation nonetheless saved me from Microsoft Word. For one thing, I was blessed with parents who did everything they could to raise me right. I’ve been quite the Nisus partisan for several reasons. Nisus is ideal for my current purposes, except that, unlike Ulysses and now Mellel, frustratingly it alone of the three has no iOS sibling. (Scrivener I see primarily as a long-form drafting tool, though of course many people now use it successfully for both word-processing and publishing - and MS Word - well Word is Word.) I would have invested in Mellel long ago, but gone are the days when I had to compose impressive-looking reports with type flowing round tables and graphs.
#Mellel header pro#
I perceive it as being in a Mac long-form word processor hierarchy of three or so, with Mellel at the top as both the most capable and the most complex, including elements of page-layout functionality, Nisus Writer Pro with its terrific macro library in the middle, and Ulysses (and other Markdown editors) as the simplest at the bottom. I wonder what the future will be for RTF on iPad-the Markdown/MultiMarkdown options are getting better and better. $19.99 is a pricey CRIMP, though tempting-I’d wait until Scrivener makes its debut.

Quite a few writers may well be thrilled to hear this! Mellel beats Word hands-down in certain areas (notably multilingual processing), and the thought of a fully iPad-capable version is a delight. So the interesting and unexpected news is that an iPad app has suddenly emerged from the woodwork, sporting most - if not quite all - of the features of the desktop version.
#Mellel header for mac#
Okay, so Mellel for Mac is a word processor, not an outliner or an info management app - but it’s a very powerful WP with outliner features (the desktop version is even better at outlining than Word is) and an excellent search function.